Saturday, August 4, 2012

Unpredictable Minor Flooding

Sat, August 4'th, 2012
Whooaaaa! I'm so exhausted and foot-worn. Why?! You want to know why?! A puny why or a big why?! Hahahahaha just kidding =D
Lemme tell you the whole story, guys!
One day, on a sunny afternoon..
At the top of my house is being renovated  and the rooftops slightly open.
And I was sitting down with my little brother&sister, then...
The weather became cloudy and sudden...*thunderclap* heavy rains come! *jegger*
Immediately, my house became the victim of small tsunami. Water filled the entire room including my bedroom. I was very surprised. And I wondered in my heart "How do I remove all this water instantly?! Maybe I need Harry potter's magic wand *call harry potter*"
It's not hard to cleaned as I thought but the fact we cleaned it only took for 4 hours Yeah "only" *kill me now*
My clothes totally soaked and I felt so cold. After hours "Clean-up" travel finally oveeeer. And I'm soooooooo tireeeeed! But, the results are comparable with our huge effort. 
Room that was filled with water now turned into a clean, dry, beautiful, lovely, magnificent, awesome, and wonderfuuuuul *exaggerate*
Just it. 
Maybe this story kinda boring or isn't interesting. But, for me this story's never-to-be-forgotten-rainy-day-ever!
And after all. Thank God I can still breathing, I can still write story that You've designed so I can utter it to others. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Heart Distress

It's 5 days to go...
And you know what? Everything's messed up. What should I do to fix everything that already happened? Glue also seemed useless. Perhaps I need Tinker Bell's pixie dust to fix up this boulders, yup dream is just a dream.
Just counting the days to go to the Sixteenth-Land, and I'm so thankful&grateful If I could step on it.
Wishes can be equated with prayers. Amen

Friday, May 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Some quotes about 'Sahabat' from @omgugel

  • Sahabat itu selama apapun lo minta ditungguin, dia bakal ngeluh tp dia gabakal pergi ninggalin lo.
  • Sahabat itu tuh dia yg bisa bikin ketawa lo yg paling jelek keluar.
  • Sahabat itu dia yg bisa lo temuin gimanapun keadaan lo, lo blm mandi pun dia ga masalah.
  • Sahabat itu dia yg kalau main ke rumah udah berasa rumah sendiri.
  • Sahabat itu sebanyak apapun kata 'bego lu' yg keluar dr mulut lo, dia bakal santai. Krn itu cara kalian bersahabat.
  • Sahabat itu yg ngerti apa maksud lo walau lo cmn ngasih kode senyuman.
  • Sahabat itu tempat lo bisa jadi orang-yang-paling-gak-tau-malu.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I messed up, I don't always make the best decisions, but I live, learn and become a better me.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Quote Of The Day

A mother loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved.Kate Samperi

Monday, March 26, 2012